Yin Yang Dragon Tattoo

Yin Yang dragon tattoo featured image
Published on May 3, 2023

Featured image credit: Pinterest

If you're looking for a tattoo to display the duality of human nature or the importance of balance in life, consider getting a yin yang dragon tattoo. This popular tattooing style combines the famous yin and yang symbol into one badass design. 

Whether you're a fan of Eastern philosophy or a staunch Feng Shui believer, yin yang dragon tattoos could be a perfect choice.

Yin Yang Dragon Tattoo Meanings

Originated in Chinese Taoism, Yin and Yang are renowned symbols in Chinese philosophy, culture, and medicine.

"Yin" (the dark swirl) stands for "moon" or "female" in the Chinese language and represents feminine power, intuition, creativity, passiveness, and the earth.

"Yang" (the light swirl) stands for "sun" or "male," representing masculine power, vibrant energy, dominance, strength, and heaven. 

The symbols together represent the interconnection among the natural world's elements. They restore harmony and balance in your health and life.

Since dragons stand for both dark and positive energy in various folklores and cultures, they perfectly complement the Yin Yang symbol .

Also, dragons represent the Yang symbol in Vietnamese belief, Japanese and Chinese dragons are available in several colours, illustrating the energy of both signs. 

Best Yin Yang Dragon Tattoo Styles

You can use almost all known tattooing styles to play with Yin-Yang featured body art. Brushstroke (either in black or a handful of colours) is a popular method for creating unique art pieces. Geometric, dotwork, and tribal motifs also work fine.

The ultimate choice depends on your preference. If unsure, ask the tattoo artist to suggest a style that will suit your skin tone and the energy you want to emulate.

Best Designs for Yin Yang Dragon Tattoos

These intricate, unique designs illustrate the duality and harmony of the universe. By wearing these tattoos, you can express your affinity for this balance in ink.

If you're looking for a tattoo that is both stylish and unique, check these tattoos out:

Dragon and Phoenix Yin Yang Tattoo

Dragon Phoenix Yin Yang Tattoo

Credit: Tattoos Boy Girl

The phoenix and dragon represent the Yin and Yang symbols in Chinese culture, establishing harmony and bliss in a marriage. The two celestial creatures are considered to form a balanced union in Feng Shui. 

Yin Yang Green Dragon Tattoo

Yin Yang Green Dragon Tattoo

Credit: Design Press

Green dragons are associated with natural life and the earth. A green dragon hugging the Yin Yang symbol means combining the harmony of life with natural forces.

Yin Yang Dragon and Tiger Tattoo

Yin Yang Dragon and Tiger Tattoo

Credit: Tattoo Shoo

Dragons and tigers represent power and strength. So, if you feel all pumped up, show off your wild side with this tattoo.

Minimalistic Yin Yang Dragon Tattoo

Minimalistic Yin Yang Dragon Tattoo

Credit: uncle.ti / Instagram

Simple, minimal brush strokes are sometimes all you need to look mysterious. If you are testing the water in the body art trend, start with a design like this.

Shaded Yin Yang Dragon Tattoo

Shaded Yin Yang Dragon Tattoo

Credit: Design Press

A dragon in gorgeous tribal motifs holding a shaded Yin Yang sphere. You can see the claws grabbing the symbol of balance. 

What Are the Best Places to Get Yin Yang Dragon Tattoo

Yin Yang tattoos are the best choice if you want a design to portray the balance between two opposing forces in life. They look good in various body parts, including the shoulder, arms, legs, and back.

Forearm Yin Yang Dragon Tattoo

Forearm Yin Yang Dragon Tattoo

Credit: Next Luxury

Simple and on point with bold linework. The black-and-white tattoo does not take much space, making it suitable for any part of your body.

Yin Yang Dragon Tattoo on the Back

Yin Yang Dragon Tattoo on the Back

Credit: Cuded

According to Chinese culture, dragons symbolize prosperity, and the yin yang symbol signifies the wholeness of the universe. A dragon carrying the yin yang sphere is meant to be an auspicious sign.

Yin Yang Dragon Thigh Tattoo

Yin Yang Dragon Thigh Tattoo

Credit: Tattoos Boy Girl

Even simple brush strokes look gorgeous in the hand of a skilled artist. It's a great choice if you prefer something subtle and low-key.

Yin Yang Dragon Tattoo on the Arm

Yin Yang Dragon Tattoo on the Arm

Credit: Tattoo Magz

The tattoo looks beautiful with bold outlines and watercolour textures. It's perfect for drawing compliments from strangers.

Where to Buy

Finding the right artist who can create a masterpiece just for you might be difficult. But don't worry. Here are a few of our recommended tattoo services, check them out!

Other Tattoo Ideas

We've covered various tattoo ideas, whether you're looking to get a new or updated tattoo or want some more inspiration. Get your perfect design from these pages.


If you want to get a Yin Yang Dragon tattoo, there are many different designs and styles. However, be sure to consult with a professional artist first. 

They can provide the best suggestions for picking the right style, motifs, colours, and other elements. 

Hermillis Haden
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